Monday, November 26, 2012

The Difference Between Cats & Dogs... interpreted by these guys.  Hilarious for both cat and dog owners and lovers.  And alarmingly accurate...

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Why did I vote for Barack Obama today?

Granted I don't have that many presidential elections under my belt, but I don't recall one being this heated, or this personal.  When someone of a different school of thought asks, "So why are you voting for Barack Obama?", I have plenty of answers for them. 

Why I voted for Barack Obama today:

1.  I do not believe in "trickle-down" economics.  I believe it's a myth, and it has proven to not work for decades.  A 2012 study by the Tax Justice Network indicates that wealth of the super-rich does not trickle down to improve the economy, but tends to be amassed and sheltered in tax havens with a negative effect on the tax bases of the home economy.

2.  I believe in the separation of church and state.  Freedom of religion means I don't have to have someone else's religious views affecting laws and legislation that affect me.  Forcing your religious beliefs on someone else isn't "Conservative", it's "Authoritarian".  Unless you want to honor ALL religions, not just Christianity, keep those beliefs in church on Sunday, because some day it will affect you in a way you don't like.  

4.  I believe in a woman's right to choose, and a woman's right to plan her family.  

5.   I believe that it's our duty as a developed nation and as human beings to help those in need.  That is MY definition of being "pro-life".  (Those truly in need, not those that abuse the system - there is a difference)

6.  I believe that love is love.  Regardless if it's between two men or two women it's just as valid as any other kind of love and should be treated as such.  It's a sad, sad day when a life partner cannot visit a dying loved one, because they couldn't legally marry.  

7.  I believe that no matter what a woman is wearing, no matter how late she was out, it is never her fault that she was raped.   

8.  I believe if we have the knowledge and ability to save someone's life with stem cells, it shouldn't become a "moral" issue.  (Being "Pro-life", NOT just about fetuses)  You can't be "pro-life" and deny people healthcare, or lifesaving treatments.  

9.  I believe that women are not second class citizens.  I believe I am an equal that deserves equal pay.  So does the Lily Ledbetter Act, signed by President Obama.

10.  I believe in exercising our Second Amendment rights, but I also believe in gun control.  We need to ensure common sense rules, and ban semi-automatic and assault weapons.  You don't need those to hunt, or defend your home. 

11.  I believe male politicians over the age of sixty should not be making my healthcare decisions for me.  I  want to pay for your Viagra, as much as you want to pay for my birth control.  

12.  I believe in teaching our children truth.  Keep Creationism out of our public schools.  If you want religion in your curriculum, send your child to a private school, unless you want ALL religions taught to our children, along with evolution, to make their own decisions. “We keep on being told that religion, whatever its imperfections, at least instills morality. On every side, there is conclusive evidence that the contrary is the case and that faith causes people to be more mean, more selfish, and perhaps above all, more stupid.”
― Christopher Hitchens

I'm not a radical liberal, I just believe in common sense.